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Important info about Mesothelioma
Posted on Rabu, 17 Agustus 2011 by SenaBuckner92
is also called malignant mesothelioma due cancerrous growth of mesothelial cells. Mesothelioma does not destroy the cells of any tissue, but is associated with only the inner lining or membranes of the organs or tissues.
mesothelium is a membrane that lines the internal organs of the body organs likepleura lung, peritoneum and other organs such as kidneys, lungs, etc., the pericardium covering the heart. The mesothelium is a mesodermal origin.
the main cause of mesothelioma is the work of the high risks from asbestos. But it can also occur due to radiation, intraplueral thorium oxide and other fibrous silicates. Some evidence shows that it can also be a consequence of simian virus 40, which act as co-factor in mesthelioma
Signs and symptoms:
1) of breath due to pleural effusion (accumulation of fluid in the pleurae space betwwen the lungs, including water, pus, blood, etc.)
2) weight loss
3) cachexia
4) bowel obstruction
5) blood clotting abnormalities
6) anemia
7) fever, etc.
due to metastatic spread:
This disease, in some cases, such as pneumothorax (accumulation of air or gas in the pleural cavity), can spread to different parts of the body such as the metas. The process by which abnormal cells divide
Category Article causes of of mesothelioma, mesothelioma, symptoms of of mesothelioma, types of cancer
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